Rakya Maori di New Zealand untuk mendukung perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat
Sebuah aksi intervensi masyarakat Maori di New Zealand untuk mendukung perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat dilakukan ditengah Festival Pasifika di Auckland..
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04 Desember 2016
03 Desember 2016
Berbagai Aksi Peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua
26 Agustus 2016
Mengapa Papua Punya Kesempatan lain
Mengapa Papua Barat layak kesempatan lain
Ditulis oleh Sam Blay Cetak
Pemungutan suara PBB pada tahun 1969 pecah setiap aturan untuk menentukan nasib sendiri asli
Sam Blay
Papua Barat (Irian Jaya) adalah yang tertua masalah penentuan nasib sendiri di Indonesia sejak kemerdekaan. Selama negotations dekolonisasi pada tahun 1949, Belanda tidak menyerahkan bagian dari bekas Hindia Belanda untuk apa yang sekarang Republik Indonesia. Namun, Indonesia terus menuntut kedaulatan atas Papua Barat pada dua alasan: (a) bahwa itu berhasil kedaulatan Belanda atas seluruh Hindia Belanda, termasuk Papua Barat; (B) bahwa ada hubungan historis antara lain di Indonesia dan Papua Barat sebelum era kolonial.
Pada tahun 1962, Indonesia dan Belanda mencapai kesepakatan atas Papua Barat di bawah Perjanjian New York. Belanda menyerahkan kedaulatan atas Papua Barat ke Indonesia, dengan pemerintahan sementara oleh United Nations Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA). UNTEA dikelola Papua Barat dari Oktober 1962 sampai Mei 1963, ketika Indonesia diasumsikan total kontrol dan tanggung jawab.
Wiranto dan Persoalan HAM Papua dan Masa Lalu
In July, Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo courted controversy by appointing a former New Order general who has been accused of human rights abuses, Wiranto, as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. As security and human rights have come to dominate the political dynamic in West Papua, the new appointment to the third most powerful position in Indonesia’s Cabinet raises new questions for Indonesia’s restive eastern province.
In recent years, two key issues have come to dominate the political dynamic in Papua: domestic security across the region, and unresolved human rights issues. Wiranto’s predecessor, former general Luhut Panjaitan, has worked to address these issues over the past two years. But the appointment of Wiranto, who served as a military general during the early days of the reformasi period, will determine whether West Papua can move towards a long-overdue breakthrough. A key concern is if the former general will take the same stance as his predecessor.
While the current administration prefers to promote a developmental agenda in Papua, the region remains highly securitised. Since its integration into Indonesia in 1969, the province has witnessed persistent instability. The military presence is highly concentrated and there are plans for further military build-up in the future. Among these, a brigade police (BRIMOB) headquarters is planned for Wamena; a new military territorial command (Kodam) is slated for Manokwari; while in Biak, a new Air Force base is to be built. In Sorong, a new Eastern Central Fleet will add between 7000 and 10,000 personnel.
At the same time, protests about the political and historical status of Papua have become more common in the past two years. Largely coordinated and mobilised by students and activists, they have drawn attention and support from the local population. In response, local security apparatuses have arrested, and in some instances are alleged to have tortured, protestors to contain the spread of demonstrations. Still, protests are likely to increase in the near future, thanks to the international campaign of West Papuans led by the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULWP) in the South Pacific.
Against this backdrop, the new coordinating minister Wiranto is likely to back plans to expand the military’s presence in the region. Protests against the military build-up will stir up memories of human rights violations in the past, but the new minister has no strong reason to roll back the plans. Instead, Wiranto will likely tighten restrictions on popular protests in Papua. Wiranto’s background as a former military commander who dealt with regional disputes in the early days of reformasi will likely mean that he will continue the current securitisation of Papua.
17 April 2016
Bishops' West Papua visit hailed by Catholic women
A Catholic Womens group in West Papua has called for regional support for their people's plight, after a visit to the Indonesian territory by Catholic Bishops from other parts of Melanesia.
23 Bishops from Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Fiji visited West Papua last week.
Among them were the Archbishop of Port Moresby, John Ribat, and the Archbishop of Honiara, Adrian Smith.
As they travelled to Jayapura from PNG for what has been described by the Catholic Womens group as a type of fact-finding mission, the bishops were closely accompanied by Indonesian military.
Although restricted in who they could talk with, the bishops had a meeting with the Bishop of Jayapura and met with some students.
Arrests as thousands demonstrate in West Papua
Demonstration in support of the United Liberation Movement April for west Papua, Jayapura, 13 April, 2016 |
The demonstrations in the main cities of Papua and West Papua provinces were voicing support for the United Liberation Movement for West Papua and its bid for full membership in the Melanesian Spearhead Group.
Thousands of West Papuans marched in the peaceful demonstrations in cities including Jayapura, Yakuhimo, Manokwari, Merauke and Sorong.
06 Oktober 2015
Keterbukaan Pers Asing Bisa Ciptakan Perdamaian di Papua
22 Juni 2015
Andai Kau Tahu Tetang Diri-Ku
11 November 2014
Visi dan Misi Gubernur Papua di Jebakan Oleh kabinet Kerjanya
Janganlah bermimpi untuk membangun bangsa ini, karena bangsa ini akan maju dan merobah suatu peradaban pasti ada pada anak asli papua, Isack telah membuktikan Hal ini, dan Peramalan seorang Gembala umat adalah benar adanya.