Rakya Maori di New Zealand untuk mendukung perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat

Sebuah aksi intervensi masyarakat Maori di New Zealand untuk mendukung perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat dilakukan ditengah Festival Pasifika di Auckland..

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25 Juni 2013

Since April 2013: Four shot dead Papuans

Baptist Foundation of Papua Papua claiming since April 30 to May 22, 2013 there were four civilians who died were shot. Papuan Baptist Foundation Director, Matthew Murib in his press release said the alleged perpetrator of the witness testimony Armed Forces / Police. Three people died during the events of 30 April at 21:00 CEST in Klalin Road, Village Aimas, District Aimas, Sorong, West Papua. The three that Abner Malagawak 22 years, indigenous...

24 Juni 2013

Melanesian Spearhead Group on West Papua Issue

The long cry struggle for Independence by West Papuan Melanesian was one key issue discussed at the 19th Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders -MSG; Summit held in New Caledonia. Deputy Prime Minister Leo Deon speaking at the summit said Papua New Guinea maintains its position recognising West Papua as an integral part of Indonesia. This year, the West Papua National Coalition for liberation applied for membership. Mr Dion said PNG respects...

West Papuans welcome Malanesian support

The Melanesian Spearhead Group says it "fully supports" the right of West Papuans to self determination.Presenter: Geraldine Coutts http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/ Speaker: Sean Dorney, Pacific correspondent for the Australia Network Dr. John Otto Ondawame Wakil Ketua WPNCL saat menyampaikan pernyataan WPNCL dalam sesi pleno MSG Summit di Noumea (Jubi) DORNEY: It said that they noted a road map in relation to the application for membership...

23 Juni 2013

Kedatangan Perdana Menteri PNG Ke Jakarta Turut Memperpanjang Penderitaan Rakyat Papua

 Terkait kedatangan Perdana Menteri PNG (PM) ke Jakarta atas undangan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), Presiden Republik Indonesia, mendapat sorotan dari berbagai pihak. Kali ini, Sorotan yang serupa datang dari aktivis Papua, Marthen Goo. Marthen melihat hal itu sebagai upaya pencitraan SBY dan penipuan terhadap PM dan Negara-negara melanesia lainnya.  Dalam komunikasi via selulernya, Marthen menegaskan "SBY hanya menipu PM PNG. Dengan...

Could West Papua be Abbott's East Timor?

Australia was instrumental in supporting East Timor's fight for independence in the 1990s. What role would an Australian Coalition government have in the move towards West Papuan independence, asks Tracee Hutchison. When former prime minister John Howard and then foreign minister Alexander Downer began working toward East Timor's independence in 1999, history now tells us that they did so, initially, without letting on to the Indonesian government. As...

Mkhuseli Jack, Pemimpin Anti-Apartheid Dedikasikan Penghargaan Bagi Rakyat Papua

Salah satu pemenang The Lawson Award tahun ini, Mkhuseli Khusta Jack, ahli strategi yang memimpin boikot konsumen di Afrika Selatan selama hari-hari tergelap apartheid, mendedikasikan penghargaannya untuk rakyat Papua. Para penerima penghargaan adalah pemimpin gerakan untuk perlindungan lingkungan, Pembela masyarakat adat, hak politik, dan akhir penindasan rasial.   The Lawson Awards diberikan setiap tahun oleh Pusat Internasional Konflik...

14 Juni 2013

Campanye Global Mencari Kemerdekaan untuk Papua Barat

 Oleh Len Garae  Benny Wenda Kampanye global untuk Kebebasan negara dan rakyat Papua Barat Benny Wenda mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah dan Kepala dan orang-orang karena membiarkan Vanuatu yang akan digunakan sebagai mercusuar harapan di Pasifik untuk membantu rakyat Papua Barat untuk mempertahankan mereka lima puluh panggilan year old untuk menentukan nasib sendiri.  Wenda telah membuat pernyataan di atas dalam...

05 Juni 2013

Prabowo ready to face Joko Widodo, if the Presidential Candidates

Jokowi and Prabowo JAKARTA - Gerindra prepared for presidential candidate replacement chairman Megawati Sukarnoputri's PDIP, including if the party cadres are also advancing Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo."There is no problem, so whoever the candidate, we are ready to anticipate the changes that occurred in 2014," said Chairman of the DPP Gerindra, Habiburokhman when contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6).According to Habib, Gerindra will keep advancing...
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